Shown below is a table of all properties stored in the Library vs. which properties are stored in Tags. 'Yes' indicates that the information is included in the tag, 'No' indicates that it isn't, and 'Non-Standard' indicates that it is included, but that no clear stardard exists for how this field should be tagged, and consequently it may not be readable by other media players. Tags enclosed in square brackets are read but not written.
Property | MP3 (ID3v2) | OGG / FLAC | WMA | AAC (M4A, M4P) | MPC (APEv2 ‡) | APE (APEv2 ‡) | WAV (RIFF)* |
Track Title | Yes (TIT2) | Yes (TITLE) | Yes (Title) | Yes (nam) | Yes | Yes | Yes (INAM, TIT2[ID3]) |
Track Artist | Yes (TPE1) | Yes (ARTIST) | Yes (Author) | Yes (art) | Yes | Yes | Yes (IART, TPE1[ID3]) |
Album | Yes (TALB) | Yes (ALBUM) | Yes (Album Title) | Yes (alb) | Yes | Yes | Yes (IPRD, IALB[CART], TALB[ID3) |
Album Artist | Yes (TPE2) | Yes (ALBUMARTIST, [ALBUM ARTIST], [ENSEMBLE]) | Yes (Album Artist) | Yes (aART) | Yes | Yes | Yes (IAAR) |
Date (Year) | Yes (TDRC, TYER) | Yes (YEAR,DATE) | Yes (Year, OriginalReleaseTime) | Yes (day) | Yes-year only | Yes-year only | Yes (ICRD, IYER[CART], TDRL & TYER[ID3]) |
Genre | Yes (TCON) | Yes (GENRE) | Yes (Genre) | Yes (gen,gnre) | Yes | Yes | Yes (IGNR, IGRE[CART], TCON[ID3]) |
Disc # | Yes (TPOS) | Yes (DISCNUMBER,DISC) | Yes (PartOfSet) | Yes (disk) | Yes | Yes | No |
Track # | Yes (TRCK) | Yes (TRACKNUMBER) | Yes (Track/Track#) | Yes (trkn) | Yes | Yes | Yes (ITRK, TRCK[ID3]) |
Rating | Non-Standard (POPM) | Non-Standard (RATING) | Non-Standard (SharedUserRating) | Non-Standard (rate) | Yes | Yes | Yes (IRTD) |
Comment | Yes (COMM) | Yes (COMMENT [DESCRIPTION]) | Yes (Description) | Yes (cmt) | Yes | Yes | Yes (ICMT, COMM[ID3]) |
Album Comment | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
Album Art | Yes (folder or tag APIC) | Non-Standard (folder or COVERARTCOUNT, COVERARTMIMEx, COVERARTDESCRIPTIONx, COVERARTFILELINKx, COVERARTTYPEx, COVERARTx (Base64 encoded)) | Yes (folder or tag) | Yes (covr) + non-standard (AApr, AMIM, Adcp, Apty) | No (folder only) | No (folder only) | No (folder only) |
Grouping | Yes (TIT1) | Yes (GROUPING) | Yes (ContentGroupDescription) | Yes (cgrp) | Yes | Yes | No |
Composer | Yes (TCOM) | Yes (COMPOSER) | Yes (Composer) | Yes (wrt) | Yes | Yes | Yes (IMUS) |
Conductor | Yes (TPE3) | Yes (CONDUCTOR) | Yes (Conductor) | Non-Standard (cond) | Yes | Yes | No (ITCH) |
Lyricist | Yes (TEXT) | Yes (LYRICIST) | Yes (Writer) | Non-Standard (lyrc) | Yes | Yes | Yes (IWRI) |
Involved People | Yes (IPLS) | Non-Standard (INVOLVED PEOPLE) | No | Non-Standard (peop) | Non-Standard (Involved People) | Non-Standard (Involved People) | No |
Original Title | Yes (TOAL) | Non-Standard (ORIGINAL TITLE or ORIGINAL ALBUM) | Yes (OriginalAlbumTitle) |
Non-Standard (otit) |
Non-Standard (Original Title) | Non-Standard (Original Title) | No |
Original Artist | Yes (TOPE) | Non-Standard (ORIGINAL ARTIST) | Yes (OriginalArtist) | Non-Standard (oart) | Non-Standard (Original Artist) | Non-Standard (Original Artist) | No |
Original Lyricist | Yes (TOLY) | Non-Standard (ORIGINAL LYRICIST) | Yes (OriginalLyricist) | Non-Standard (olyr) | Non-Standard (Original Lyricist) | Non-Standard (Original Artist) | No |
Original Date (Year) | Yes (TORY) | Non-Standard & partial. (ORIGINAL YEAR) | Yes (OriginalReleaseYear) | Non-Standard (oday) | Non-Standard (Original Date) | Non-Standard (Original Date) | No |
Beats Per Minute | Yes (TBPM) | Yes (BPM) | Yes (BeatsPerMinute) | Yes (tmpo) | Yes | Yes | No |
ISRC | Yes (TSRC) | Yes (ISRC) | Yes (ISRC) | Non-Standard (isrc) | Yes | No | Yes (ISRC) |
Publisher | Yes (TPUB) | Yes (ORGANIZATION) | Yes (Publisher) | Non-Standard (publ) | Yes | Yes | Yes (ICMS) |
Encoder | Yes (TSSE) | Yes (ENCODER) | Yes (ToolName) | Yes (ctoo) | Yes | Yes | Yes (ISFT, TSSE[ID3]) |
Copyright | Yes (TCOP) | Yes (COPYRIGHT) | Yes (Copyright) | Yes (cprt) | Yes | Yes | Yes (ICOP, BCPR[CART], TENC[ID3]) |
Classification: Tempo | Non-Standard † (COMM:Songs-DB_Tempo) | Non-Standard (TEMPO) | Non-Standard (Tempo) | Non-Standard (empo) | Non-Standard (Tempo) | Non-Standard (Tempo) | No |
Classification: Mood | Yes (TMOO) † | Yes (MOOD) | Yes (Mood) | Non-Standard (mood) | Yes | Yes | No |
Classification: Occasion | Non-Standard † (COMM:Songs-DB_Occasion) | Non-Standard (OCCASION) | Non-Standard (Occasion) | Non-Standard (occa) | Non-Standard (Occasion) | Non-Standard (Occasion) | No |
Classification: Quality | Non-Standard (COMM:Songs-DB_Preference) | Non-Standard (QUALITY) | Non-Standard (Quality) | Non-Standard (qual) | Non-Standard (Quality) | Non-Standard (Quality) | No |
Lyrics | Yes (USLT) | Yes (LYRICS) | Yes (Lyrics) | Yes (lyr) | Yes | Yes | No |
Custom Field X | Non-Standard (COMM:Songs-DB_CustomX) | Non-Standard (CUSTOMX) | Non-Standard (UserCustomX) | Non-Standard (cusX) | Non-Standard (CustomX) | Non-Standard (CustomX) | No |
Volume Leveling Coefficient | Yes (RVA2, RGAD, TXXX:replaygain_track_gain, replaygain_track_peak, replaygain_album_gain | Yes (REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK, REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN, REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN) | Non-Standard (replaygain_track_gain, replaygain_track_peak, replaygain_album_gain) | Non-Standard (replaygain_track_gain, replaygain_track_peak, replaygain_album_gain) | Yes | Yes | Yes (ITGL - track gain, IRVA - peak level) |
Play Counter (Played #) | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
Related Library Entry (for Tracks on Virtual CD) | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
‡ For MPC and APE Tracks, APEv1 tags are read if APEv2 tags are absent.
† Non-standard tag format originally implemented in MusicMatch is also read, but not written.
*CART chunks and ID3v2 are additionally supported (read-only) for MusicMatch and AudioGrabber compatibility, where indicated.
There are other portions of the libary that are saved to the database, but not stored in any other format:
Element | Storage |
Playlists | Playlists can be exported as .m3u files via Tools > Scripts > Export all Playlists . |
AutoPlaylists | AutoPlaylists are Library constructs that can't be exported. |
Podcasts | A list of Podcast subscriptions can be exported as .OPML files via Tools > Scripts > Export subscribed Podcasts. |
Virtual CD | Virtual CDs are library constructs that can't be exported, though it is possible to create playlists for those files and copy them directly from the hard drive. |
Configuration | Sync, Filter, and other configuration data are stored to .ini files, the database, and the registry and cannot be exported. |
Playcounts | Playcounts are stored to the database only. |